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Importance of Sitemaps for SEO: Enhancing Website Visibility and Indexing Efficiency

Your website's pages, videos, and other resources, as well as the connections between them, are described in a sitemap file.
Written by
Josselin Liebe
Published on
June 12, 2023
Updated on
November 2, 2023
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What is meant by Sitemaps?

Your website's pages, videos, and other resources, as well as the connections between them, are described in a sitemap file. To enhance how they index your website, search engines like Google look at this file. In addition to providing helpful details about these files, a sitemap also informs Google of the pages and files you consider to be most important for your website. Such as the most recent update date as well as any language variants. A sitemap can be used to describe particular kinds of material on your website, such as videos, images, and news content. For instance:

  • The duration, rating, and age-appropriateness of a video can all be listed in the sitemap entry for that video.
  • The location of the images on a page can be listed in an image entry in the sitemap.
  • The article title and the date it was published may be included in a sitemap news entry.

You must first comprehend how search engines function to appreciate the significance of sitemaps in SEO. What does "crawl" and "index," in particular, mean?

  • Google has bots, often known as spiders that continuously browse the internet and catalog site pages. That is crawling.
  • The process of categorizing and storing each page the bot discovers in Google's enormous index is known as indexing.
  • This prevents Google from truly searching the full web in real time for you when you search a website. The reason it can bring up the results in a split second is that it is alternatively searching its meticulously structured index.

As a result, if your page is challenging for Google to crawl, it may not be indexed by Google, as well as even if it is indexed by Google, it won't show up in a Google search. In this situation, sitemaps are useful.

Sitemap of FlashSERP
Sitemap of FlashSERP

Is A Sitemap Necessary?

If all of your website's pages are effectively connected, Google should normally be able to find most of it. Any pages you consider necessary must be accessible via some method of navigation, such as your website's menu or links you've placed on individual pages, to be properly linked. Nonetheless, a sitemap can help the crawling of bigger, more complicated sites, or files with more specific purposes.

A sitemap might be required if:

  • It's a sizable website. In general, it is more challenging to ensure that every page is linked from at least one other page on huge websites. This makes it more probable that Googlebot won't find some of your new pages.
  • Your website is brand-new and just has a few outside links. By clicking links from one page to another, web crawlers like Googlebot and others comb the internet. So, if no other websites link to your pages, Googlebot might not find them.
  • Your website is featured in Google News or has a significant amount of rich media material (video, photos). Sitemaps provide Google with additional data that can be used in searches.

A sitemap might not be necessary if:

  • This is a "little" website. Little refers to your website having no more than 500 pages. (Only pages you believe should appear in search results are included in this total.)
  • Internal links to your website are extensive. This implies that Google may access all of your website's key pages simply using links that begin on the home page.
  • There aren't many news articles or media items (video, image) that you wish to appear in search results. Sitemaps can aid Google in locating and comprehending video, image, and news article assets on your website. You might not require a sitemap if these results don't need to show up in the search.

Advantages of Sitemaps

By making your website simpler for Google to read and comprehend, you may rank for your target keywords more efficiently as well as attract additional visitors. Throughout view of the foregoing and the relevant information, the following benefits of having a sitemap are covered in greater detail:

Quick crawling and indexing of your pages

It is impossible for Google to continuously crawl the internet. As a result, it sometimes takes days, weeks, or even months for Google to find new pages on your website because it has distinct crawl "schedules" for various domains and content kinds. With the aid of sitemaps, Google can find and index new pages more quickly.

Maintain the performance of important pages

Perhaps you've previously modified everlasting information on a page of your website but have not seen the latest update show up in the search engine results. This is a result of Google not having indexed the page since your modification. By optimizing the crawling and indexing procedure, you can ensure that users are viewing the most recent version of your most valuable and/or frequently changing websites.

Identify empty pages for search bots

By following the links on the pages it's crawling, Google's bots frequently find pages on your website just like people do (which is why internal linking is so important). Pages on your website that don't have any other links leading to them are known as orphan pages, and Google has a difficult time finding them. Nonetheless, Google will find and crawl those pages more quickly if you include a sitemap for them.

Identify duplicate pages on Google

A company website may contain duplicate or nearly identical pages in several situations. For instance, on an e-commerce site, you can have identical product pages for the same item in multiple colors. Within those cases, Google was unable to determine which version of the page you wanted to rank first. You can use canonical tags with a sitemap to tell Google which version is the primary version and which versions are duplicates.

List of Sitemaps advantages
List of Sitemaps advantages

Sitemap Varieties

Sitemaps come in two different varieties. Hypertext markup language (HTML) and XML sitemaps, which are intended for individuals (extensible markup language, geared for bots).

Sitemaps in HTML

A visible page on your website that contains a list of links that may be clicked to access every page on your website is known as an HTML sitemap. Despite being an old method, there remain applications, particularly for big websites. Google suggests HTML sitemaps because a hierarchical collection of connections can aid Google in properly determining exactly what is most essential as well as indexing material appropriately.

Sitemaps in XML

A text file called an XML sitemap contains a list of all the URLs on your website. You can usually get the sitemap for any website by going to, though you can change this for site security purposes. Websites can be found with XML sitemaps, however, these are primarily for search engines, not for people to read. In XML sitemaps, tags can be used to provide information more about URLs they include, especially the date of the latest update. Modifications to sitemaps are additionally useful to describe the information contained in journals, videos as well as pictures.

Sitemaps of Many Varieties

There are a few additional sitemap varieties to be aware of:

  • RSS feeds: mRSS (media RSS), or Atom 1.0 feeds can be submitted as the sitemap URL for news websites or blogs that post many items every day. Yet it's important to remember that these sitemaps will only display information on current URLs.
  • Text sitemaps: This is the most basic sitemap and is ideal for small websites with a limited number of web pages.

A Sitemap Creation Process

Build your sitemap, check it against industry standards, and submit it to Google, essentially. Here is how you do it:

Use a Sitemap Generator to Create Your Sitemap

Sitemaps can be created without writing any code using plugins and tools referred to as sitemap builders. Several top sitemap creators are listed below for your consideration:

  • Yoast : With the free Yoast WordPress plugin, you may create a sitemap on your own.
  • WordPress : You don't need third-party plugins to create sitemaps if you use WordPress 5.5 or later. See how to determine your WordPress version below.
  • : This program provides both paid and unpaid options. Put your website's URL in the search box, then hit the Start button.
  • Screaming Frog : Produce sitemaps in XML and picture formats with sophisticated settings like "last modified" tags.
  • Slick plan : A tool for creating text, XML, or SVG sitemaps that is part of a bigger website planning service. Depending on whether it is purchased, a 30-day trial is available.
  • Dyno mapper : Another paid visual sitemap creator with a free trial is Dynomapper.

Examine Standard Practices For Sitemaps

These are just a few easy rules to begin started, however, Google offers full sitemap best practices:

  • Split up sizable sitemaps: Break up your sitemap into many files if your list of URLs is lengthy before submitting a sitemap index file (sort of like a sitemap of your sitemaps).
  • Only include your canonical URLs: Only include the main URL in your sitemap if you have pages that are similar or nearly identical (as was explained above) and you want them to appear in search results. Use the rel=canonical tag for the alternative versions.
  • Encode data using UTF-8: Just the numerals 0 through 9, English letters A–Z, and a few special characters are allowed in all sitemap files. Escape codes must be used in place of symbols like the ampersand, quote marks, or greater/less than.
  • Avoid concentrating too much on priority tags: Although these are only preferences, you can utilize priority tags in your sitemap to show which pages are significant about one another (by, for instance, assigning values ranging from 0.1 to 1.0). Google will eventually crawl and index content by its guidelines.
  • Keep your NoIndex URLs private: With a sitemap, you may instruct Google on which URLs to crawl and index while ignoring others.

Sitemap Submission To Google

Having created your sitemap, you can submit it to Google using a variety of methods.

  • Search Console by Google: The quickest approach to submit your sitemap is probably this. Locate sitemaps on the left-hand panel while you're in Google Search Console. Once you've entered your sitemap URL, click "Submit." Which is quite simple.
  • The Ping Device: Right in your browser, type the following to submit a request: ‘‘’’.
  • Robots.txt file: By including your sitemap link in your robots.txt file, you can also submit a sitemap.
  • Web Sub: If you use an RSS feed as your sitemap, WebSub is advised.

How Important Sitemaps Are

In addition to making a website searchable by all search engines, a well-structured sitemap will give consumers more precise search outcomes whenever they explore keywords or key terms linked with a website. Sitemaps are one of several search engine optimization methods and suggestions that may be used to optimize a website. The value of sitemaps is occasionally grossly underrated. A sitemap, as its name suggests, is a visual representation of the website's structure, including its sections and the links that connect them. Although they have long been a component of the best practices for web design, sitemaps are not a new idea. It is now much more important to engineer sitemaps accurately since search engines have started using them. It is important to make it clear that you cannot solely use traditional sitemaps if your interest in sitemaps is primarily related to search engine optimization. In contrast to Yahoo and MSN's standard HTML sitemaps, Google's sitemap employs a specific XML format. Sitemaps' necessity may be a mystery, with some people knowing the reason why, but not everyone.


The rewards of using a sitemap are endless. It is not only simpler to traverse, but it also gives search engines more visibility. Sitemaps can give you the chance to connect search engines with any modifications you make to the site as soon as they happen. Although you can't count on search engines to quickly update their records to reflect page changes, they will undoubtedly do so more quickly than they would if a website didn't have a sitemap. Also, when a website has a sitemap link and is published to search engines, you will rely less on external links to drive traffic to your website. Sitemaps can even help to correct bad internal links. For instance, if there are unintentionally broken connections or inaccessible orphan sites. Note that relying on a sitemap instead of merely addressing your mistakes is not a good idea.

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